Monday, June 16, 2008

Monday, June 16 - One week down (103 to go)

This morning I went to register as a Zwolle resident. It is not like I expect anyone to hold my hand, but I don’t speak the language, I am new to the town much less the country…Giving me an address and telling me what paperwork to bring is not enough, I didn’t even know where to go in the building. The receptionist has no idea what I am talking…I have no Dutch bank account (can’t one get until I am a Zwolle resident)… I don’t have phone (can’t get one until I have a Dutch bank account)…I don’t even know what to do with the trash. I asked my HR (in charge of assisting in this transition). I am told she doesn’t know, now she want the trash passcard for the corporate apartment (I was in the first three days I was here)…PASSCARD FOR THE TRASH…if I had that I would not have left the trash in the apartment!!!! It was in DUTCH! DOES ANYONE UNDERSTAND I DO NOT SPEAK OR READ DUCTH!!!! Now I look a slob that left trash in the apartment for the next person.

1 comment:

Machteld said...

The comment about what other people were kind enough to provide you with not being enough? WRONG.

Your preparation, forethought, planning skills, and common sense are what's not enough.

Going to a foreign country without being able to speak the language beforehand is such an abysmally foolish thing to do I don't even know where to begin.

Don't let my little rant get to you though - the fact that I encounter these little gems of expat (ugh) ignorance, obnoxiousness & stupidity all too often have understandably made that a pretty sore fucking subject for me.

Een prettige dag verder.