Monday, July 14, 2008

These are a few of my favorite things...

One of the big things I have missed from the US is magazines and newspapers in English. I can read news updates on the internet (when I have access), but it is not the same. On Sunday morning, I want see down to brunch and read the paper. When I deep in "thought" in my private WC, I want a magazine. I can get magazine in the Zwolle train station, but they have a limited selection and it will cost me at least 7 Euros ($11). Today I got 6 magazines and a Sunday newspaper from a co-worker in town from the US. I feel like a kid on Christmas morning. I got them at work. It took everything in me not to flip through them at my desk. I asked for a mix of guilty pleasures (gossip rags) and more "intellectual" mags like Time and Money...guess which ones I am gonna read first........
So for all of those friends and family members who plan to send me care packages...any reading material in English will be appreciated

1 comment:

Sadiki said...

Yo Tima, Its me Sadiki. I've read all your post, i check it just about every day before i head into work for some morning reading and a pick me up. I got to hand it to you, you are keeping up with the blog pretty well and i told you blog spot was the quick and simple. I just wanted to drop you a line and let you know that someone is ready your stuff. let me know your skype number or name so i can hit you up.

hit me up